Career Assessments
(Psychometric/ Aptitude Test)

Students spend 70% of their adult life at the workplace. Career decisions are one of the most important decisions in a student’s academic and professional journey. It is essential that these decisions are made with utmost care and expertise.

About Psychometric/ Aptitude Test

AptGuru is the most-advanced website for online career assessments, career guidance and career counselling in India, designed for school students and graduates. We blend artificial intelligence and machine learning with strategic human interventions to enable career success.

AptGuru Psychometric Assessment is designed to understand where a student’s unique set of strengths, aptitudes, interest and skills lie, in order to recommend the right Subjects/Stream/Careers for them.

Combines artificial intelligence and human expertise to provide personalized recommendations for subjects, streams, and careers, utilizing the AptGuru Psychometric and Career Assessments to empower students with comprehensive insights and expert guidance for informed and successful career decisions.

Who Should Take A Career Assessment?

Taking a career assessment is one of the easiest ways out of a career dilemma, for students from age 13 (8th standard) and above

Class 8th – 10th Students

The biggest confusion among students from this age group is about selecting the right stream and subjects in class 11th. (Science, Commerce or Humanities) AptGuru can help students figure out which stream and subject combinations align
with their ambitions.

Class 11th – 12th Students

*instead of 10th- 12th, 11th & 12th

The concern for this group students is identifying the right course or subjects for their under graduation. AptGuru Psychometric test. will suggests 5 best-fit career matches that a student is more likely to succeed based on his innate strength

Undergraduate College Students

Graduating students have another level of confusion, whether to pursue masters immediately. What to specialize in? Which college to do it from? If they decide to look for a job, which career and organization to choose. Apt Guru Career assessment, coupled with a little bit of research and/or counselling can do the trick here, and help students formulate their own action plan.

Take the world’s most-advanced career assessment and find your best-fit education and career path.

Here is how we help you tailor make your application to your dream university and ensure achieve your education abroad dream, as this Career Pathfinder entails:


Creer Assesments

Career assessments like Psychometric test, formerly known as aptitude tests and interest tests have been prevalent for quite some time now. Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals’ mental capabilities and behavioural style which can  help a student discover their innate traits, skills, and talents . The biggest benefit is, of course, better understanding of one’s career needs and possibilities based on who they actually are, and discovering all the alternatives that could work for them. When coupled with professional counsel, career assessments could very well help one draft a roadmap for their entire career.

The main benefit of a career assessment is clarity. Career assessments not only help you choose what career or stream is most suitable for you,  but also promote understanding of self. The testing elements in a career assessment are designed to capture your core – your style, your personality, your aptitudes and more. Thus you have a better understanding of who you are as a person and your strengths and weaknesses, when you go through the analyses and the report. This directly contributes to fitment towards one or more careers.

This sort of introspection is a requisite for making career decisions at hand, or those that might in the future. The comprehensive 37 page career discovery report analyses each of the testing elements in detail, which includes description of the parameter tested, your performance on that element, expert analysis of your performance, and development plans to improve on a particular element. The report is complete with analysis on a total of 56 elements, which includes 4 styles, 20 interest areas, 15 personality traits, 10 aptitudes and 7 emotional & social intelligence factors

There is no select time to take a career assessment. It’s always better to get rid of your confusion at the earliest. Though this is an age where students as young as those in class 6th are paranoid, thinking of what they would do when they grow up. We suggest taking our career assessment only to students of class 8th onwards.

Though there is no compulsion, we do suggest a career assessment to be taken at three crucial junctions, for an effective and hassle-free career progression.

  1. While making a stream choice in the 11Th Grade 
  2. While making a career /Course/Subject choice for under graduate studies 
  3. While deciding what to pursue for specializations (post-graduation studies or deciding which career and organization.

The Career assessment takes about 1.5 -2 hours in total to complete. However, you don’t need to complete it in a single go. The assessment auto saves, so that you can pick up from where you last left off.

Students in Classes 8th and 9th are at the perfect stage to begin taking a planned approach towards their career. This is the stage where attitudes and beliefs about career begin to get formed. Thus, creating awareness of careers at this stage gives one enough time to explore their abilities and interests. This early exposure also helps one to avoid limiting their pool of career options, and choose from a wider range of opportunities.

Our Career assessment test is powered by the World’s Largest Research on Modern Career Avenues, and is recognized by global bodies like National Career Development Association (NCDA), USA and Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA), Taiwan. We are also the winner of Economic Times – Power of Ideas 2016, and is acknowledged by the Centre for Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship – IIM Ahmedabad and Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.

The Mindler Career Assessment program is run by a team of alumni from ISB, Harvard, IIT and some of the leading psychologists across the country. Our assessment tool and research was executed by a team of over 25 PHDs, and our boards of advisors include industry experts, academicians and career experts from across the globe.

We believe that parents have an integral role to play in their child’s career decision-making and future, especially at this young age. Thus, we encourage parents to be involved in the process, and take inputs from them during the counseling sessions to gain a better understanding of the child.

We do not recommend career counseling without the career assessment, since the assessment gives the counselor key insights about you, making the counseling process more effective and efficient. However, in certain cases, we do offer counseling sessions without it, if the assessment is not entirely applicable. .Please contact us ….

Yes, we do provide you with information for overseas programs and colleges for your target careers, and help you shortlist them to select the perfect college and course. This is included as part of our Explore program. If you wish to inquire about the program for yourself, please get in touch with us at